Selasa, 05 Juli 2011


Terraria adalah permainan jenis action sandbox RPG. Anda bisa membuat rumah, bertempur lawan boss, mining, dsb

Dimana saya bisa mendapatkan game ini

Bisa beli disini : harganya 10 dollar
Atau sedot versi pak tani :

oh iya, hampir kelupaan. Game ini butuh .NET framework 4 dan XNA framework 4

Bagaimana cara memainkan game ini

Kontrol default :
A = Kiri
D = Kanan
S = Ke bawah
Space Bar = loncat
Esc = buka inventory
Klik kiri = menggunakan barang
Klik kanan = Interaksi dengan objek yang ada di dunia
angka 1-0 = Pegang barang yang ada di quickslot
Q = buang barang

Multiplayer (With Hamachi)

1. Download Hamachi (
2. Bikin group hamachi
3. Host server multiplayer. Game akan otomatis menggunakan IP Hamachi
4. Coba join room

heheh ada sedikit pertolongan ni ...yang kebingungan pengen player yang dahsyat

May 18th, 2011 at 10:46 am -

1. Back up your current player1.plr file (found in C:\Users\admin\Documents\My Games\Terraria\Players) assuming the usename of your windows logon is ‘admin’

2. Move the one provided in the download link to the above file location, replace your current player1.plr

3. Run your game.

4. select the first one in the list

Alternatively, load this player save as mentioned in the steps above. Place all of the items in the numbers of chests you have in your inventory, and then re-log your previous character into the world with those items.

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